I was in Atlanta a month ago.
A month ago (A WHOLE MONTH AGO) I was in Atlanta for the Type A Parent Conference. This was my 3rd full Type A conference in Atlanta... and I've been to 3 Type A "boot-camps" (Philly, Disneyland, and New York City). I don't know that I would consider myself "type a"... but as far as finding my place... my people... the Type A community is one place where I fit. This is my favorite conference. These are my favorite people. I always learn something at Type A. ALWAYS. This year most of the sessions I tried to get to were more technical. Things like... Web Design... and Backend Blogging... Advanced Wordpress Tips. But I also hit sessions like How to keep Writing... and Reddit for Bloggers (because I'm having trouble keeping up with the writing.... and.... what the heck is Reddit???). So, I learned bunches. I also enjoyed meeting some of the sponsors. I love that at Type A the Expo always feels less "pushy". I walk through and just chat with the people about products and services that apply to me. And the brand reps all "get" bloggers and what we're doing for brands.
But mostly... for me... Type A is all about the people and events. The chances to socialize with the people I spend my days with online. Non-social-media people don't get it... but I feel like Facebook is part of my at-home-office. The Type A group (as well as a couple of other close knit/active/ME groups) are the people I bounce ideas off of. They are the people I go to for suggestions... or to help me fix something bloggy I've broken... or to vent to about the whining happening while I'm TRYING to write that post that was due yesterday. There my people. And popping into Facebook is like taking a coffee break with my favorite co-workers. And so conferences, especially Type A, are my chance to actually hug these people (and oh.... I'm a conference hugger), and to go out for dinner with these people, and have a drink (or 5) with these people, and to dance the night away with these people, and even enter a Just Dance dance-off with these people (which I DID). I get to hang out with people I've known online since as long ago as 2007... and I get to meet brand new people. And EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM at Type A is welcoming and helpful and a fast friend (and I'm seriously not just saying that).
When I look back at the pictures I realize I didn't take nearly enough pictures of the people. Of my friends. But it's because we're all so busy having fun together. We're all taking the time to live in our moments. And... if you didn't take a picture with this group? SOMEONE took the picture and it's out there online somewhere. :)
I won't be at Type A Vegas Mastermind in January (just can't swing that)... but I'm already all set for Type A West (in Santa Fe) and Type A East (at Disney World). I couldn't help myself when they offered Type A Golden Tickets. I bought one without a single thought. So... if my schedule (and my family) allows... I'll be at every future Type A I can swing... because these people are my people. They are one of my happy places. :)