Hot Springs Virginia... in August

Did I ever tell you that Nick and I went to Hot Springs, VA for a weekend in August?


Well... we did... and it was GORGEOUS.

See?  Blue skies.  Surrounded by mountains.  Amazing weather.  (No cell phone or internet service for 50 miles of the drive.  Oh, wait.  That wasn't all that good.  Moving on.)

Oh... and we went WITHOUT the children.  When does that ever happen????  Look how relaxed we look!

We (finally) pulled into the resort.  What can you say but "WOW"?

The Homestead could not have been more breath taking.  It was totally worth the long drive.  (Although it's still questionable if it was worth a flat tire in Maryland and 50 miles of no cell service on Little Calf Pasture Highway.)

I could have taken photos all day.

 Our room was lovely and quiet... and quite Colonial.

We settled in and then took a short walk around the grounds (well... the immediate grounds... the resort is HUGE).

Again, we just relaxed.  It's rare to be able to take a leisurely walk and not chase children.  We just strolled and took in the surroundings. 

And then we got ready for the reason we actually came to the resort.  Wedding!

So, on top of some time sans kids, beautiful weather and scenery, and relaxing... there were fancy clothes...

and cake.

I don't know.  What do you think?

Sounds like a rather perfect weekend away.

(If you leave out that flat tire.  And the lack of being able to contact anyone from Little Calf Pasture HWY, VA in the event that you were attacked by a bear... or a mountain man.)
