September 2 in Dominica (Not the Dominican Republic.... totally different place.)
Our excursion for the day was "Easy Dominica and Jaco Falls".
The shipped docked and we took in the views while we waited for our excursion time.
The little port city was just nestled right into the mountains.
Once we were on our bus tour we were taken to see some amazing views and road on winding roads through some of the most lush green I've ever seen.
Our special stop was to see Jaco Falls... and I have to say when we first got there I wasn't sure what to expect. I mean... this little covered walk way didn't seem to lead to anything.
But, after we climbed down these stairs...
And kept climbing down these stairs...
We finally came to the falls. It was pretty amazing to be down in the bottom of this cavernous area and see and hear the falls.
Nick and Zoe made it across all of the slippery rocks to get a pretty close look at the falls.
Dominica is extremely lush and green.
When we were done sight seeing we had to climb back up those stairs.
Let me just say... I'm not in the best shape for stair climbing. I was very happy to make it to the top and take a few moments to relax and enjoy the scenery.
We had a little tropical juice (or a little rum punch).
We really enjoyed the very fresh locally grown fruits.
We took some time to stop and admire the flowers.
And... when we got back to the ship... we sat down, and settled in for a much needed snooze.