The center of attention
I know children usually tend to be the center of attention... but with Ana it seems to go above and beyond the normal idea of that. It's like she's a magnet for attention. It's like no one can help being attracted to her... being pulled into her little circle. And it's not like she outright calls for attention. I mean... yes... she is friendly and outgoing. She's a cutie with a constant smile. She's full of personality. But that's not quite it. It's just that random people are just drawn to her. Physically drawn to her. Nick actually got a photo of this wacky phenomenon when we were sitting in the Orlando airport at the gate waiting to board our flight.
Zoe is there in the white shirt and pink shorts. But all of those other kids? We have no idea who they are. They were all just suddenly all on the floor with Ana. Is that weird? Does anyone else have that happen?