LBI - Third Day (Tuesday, June 19)

The longest day ever. I didn't know you could cram so much into one day... and I still don't think you really can (even though there are pictures to show it did!).

We started out the usual way. Zoe woke at the crack of dawn (ok... maybe a little later than "the crack"... but early enough). We did a little snuggling until a reasonable time. Got ready, and met the gang for a walk to breakfast.

After breakfast we all headed to the beach and the pool. Aunt Andrea and I took a little shopping excursion to find these "lovely" floating swim suit things that turned out children into superheroes. If we could have found a tiny one for Nina we could have dubbed them the fantastic 4! Oh well... maybe next year. (These silly suits did save us from a little bit of anxiety over someone falling into the pool though)

After some sand castle building and some swimming we all sat down (sort of) for a pool side lunch complete with some frozen drinks all around. They even had non-alcoholic smoothies for the kids!

After lunch Zoe and I took a break and headed up to the room. A quick snooze for Zoe, and some reading for Mommy.

After nap we got ready for dinner... and Zoe kept Daddy and I laughing as we waited for everyone else to clean up. (The little video makes me giggle every time I watch it... I hope it's not just me that finds it funny.) We headed to the Schooner's Wharf area for dinner, where I had STEAK! You know, for a little change from the seafood? Unfortunately... it wasn't very good at all. Everyone else's scallops and crab cakes and fish looked really good... and I'm still sorry I chose to have steak. Oh well, next time I'll know to stick to seafood!

From dinner we walked to the bay side playground. We all (and I do mean ALL) did a little climbing, a little sliding, and a little swinging. I can't remember the last time I chose to swing as high as I did. (Gotta impress the niece and nephew!) I also don't know when the next time I'll swing so high (probably never... as I felt a tad bit ill afterwards).

We realized that the Fantasy Island Park (the web site song is a riot!) rides were running. We had thought we were a week too early for that... but YEAH! RIDES! The kids (with an adult as needed) went on the boats, the train, the carousel, the trucks, the pumpkin ferris wheel, the BIG ferris wheel, and the teacups. (Boy, those teacups did me in... bleck... talk about nauseous and motion sick). Fun was had by all!

After the rides we walked to The Showplace Ice Cream Parlour. Grandma took Nina back to the hotel... and then rest of us craved something yummy. (yeah... sick or not... you can't keep me from my ice cream!) We had no idea what we were in for. Well... we had a partial idea. We new there was singing and dancing and a "show time" involved. We had no idea we were to be a part of it. I say "we". I mean "ME". They fill the place up and you start ordering your ice cream. All of the sundaes and shakes have Broadway show names. Andrea ordered a "My Fair Lady" (hot fudge sundae). The kids all had a "Funny Face". I ordered an "Okla-mocha shake". You get the idea. Ends up they pick someone from your ticket to "perform". I had to stand up and sing something like "OOOOOklamocha, it's the best shake in the land" (or something... I don't remember.... I've blocked it out). Fun was had by all... accompanied with a little anxiety and stage fright. At the end of it all... we'd do it again.

So... short day 3 version... Breakfast, beach, pool, lunch, nap, dinner, playground, rides, ice cream show, crash into bed to sleep and sleep and sleep.

Day 3 = the day that would never end.